Saturday 30 January 2021

"Love on Sloppy Grounds"

 "Love on Sloppy grounds"

Distant mother, your hand

Walked me down lonely paths

To pick seeds of sorrow  

Sown in the days love was at its peak of excitement

One seed smelt like promises that failed

The other like passion on the bed of deceit

You kept quiet while, I, an indigent child

Picked pain like nuggets on a sloppy valley

Every grasp injected me with your own malady

Until I began to walk silently like you

We not holding hands again 

Walking differently on similar paths silently.

Until it was time to embrace the fate

Your shrill voice broke into our cherished silence,

"Silence is an immortal response to all forms of pain"

I swallowed something bitter and walked head on. 

"Christmas in Gaza"

 "Christmas in Gaza" Look beyond the prejudice in the news reports And see our little peaceful town  Caught in a whirlwind of blas...