Friday, 7 May 2021

"A Home for All"

 "A Home for All"

You're the hand reaching out to the dark from darkness,

Pulling them so hard,

yours was lighter, you thought

Or perhaps that we could all together walk back into light.

Love is more than a word 

More than the fire in our soul

Love is frail humanity 

Living like God for all.

You could be the one

That everyone wants

Or calls like God

When their worlds war.

The earth has no lasting trophy for us,

Everything sits sanely in eternity

While we rave and rove ceaselessly

Only to discover that we all believed sound lies.

How will there be?

Mad or quiet?

Heaven or hell?

Best thing is we found a home

Where we will all go.

"Scribbling Utterances"

"Scribbling Utterances"

 I will tell you things that I hear myself say

Things said in between silence and darkness

Watching your despair grow so tall and huge like the walls in your room.

Who could hear when you scream so loud?

Is every cry meant to be that loud?

The intensity draws strokes of the tongue

Than acceptance and help

The errant hope you once had

Feels so slippery at your every attempt to grasp it

You sit forlorn waiting for the darkness you so dread.

The list waits but you write and wait

Scribbling utterances as they come

Hoping to read each line,

At that other end of time.

"When all Hell Let Loose"

 "When all hell let loose"

What will be has begun,

Fate is what we walk into as we return,

Every chapter has a story,

Which we keep flipping till we meet the end.

Arguments, worries, fear,

Sink like stones within your soul

That fall and never rise again.

Belief, breath, hope

Hover over the sky

Reluctant to set feet on the earth they once admired.

You begin to count your loss

For in this, you hope to gain true knowledge of yourself,

Or know why you feel so estranged.

Laughter dies prematurely in between your smothering smiles

Your eyes stretch afar looking into nowhere

Begging sweet memories to return.


 "Ibe" Ibem, my mates have moved on... Their journey tracing the barely travelled paths.  I tried to whet my feet on the stones of...