Thursday, 30 January 2025

Black Hawks

 "Two Black Hawks"

The day breaks open like an over-incubated egg into brisky and hot halves,

Perfect timing to serve vengeance like cold ice cream,

And bury the hatchet with the hands that bore it first.

The hands that dealt the first gruesome blow,

The hands smeared with the blood of innocent citizens,

Dragged into the cauldrons of death by religious bigotry. 

The Black Hawks swooped with precision and mastery on their targets

Years of sweats and swears

Have prepared them for this flight;

Their target hides in the haven of forgotten sins 

far away from the scene of his crime ,

Praying to a bloodthirsty god

With a blood-stained subha

Held within trembling fingers 

Death came by the first shot

And several shots rained

To wet the parched throats

Of dead voices calling for revenge.

Dedicated to the victims of 9/11 attack

Monday, 27 January 2025




I could see their faces through the shadows;
The faces that shine and hide stories untold
And songs unsung,
Of victories through defeats,
Of silence through chatterings.

Skies don't hang o'cast
When glee like the sun does rise;
Rainbows come after the rain,
Theirs hang there in the middle of the storm that swept us away.

The ends means no more beginnings;
No more tears,
No more struggles,
No pain,
The end we all dread like a plague.

Sudden knocks;
Heaven calls;
Man bestired;
The world unshaken,
Man his course must run.

Tribute kicks us so hard on our heads like a military boot,
Sobs, heaving of the heart, and noiseless shouts rise and fall with unmatched rhythm.

The world and things must fall apart
Like bottles broken in a street fight
All we have are wounded heads
And grieving hearts.


May comfort all the families of the bereaved in the unfortunate disaster that happened in Enugu. Ozoemena!


 "Ambivalence" I bear a flicker of light Sometimes smouldering  You can't see it It is hidden somewhere in my soul Blown here ...