Wednesday, 21 October 2020

20/ 10/ 2020"


"20/ 10/ 2020"

As the long hand of the clock

Sluggishly climbs to seven

Flags swaying to the melody of the national song

And protesters bowing to the compatriotic spirit

Suddenly armoured vans troops into the crowd

Like starved wolves, to loose mayhem on the people

No warning was sounded, 

No one was persuaded to leave

But they clung onto their triggers 

Like blind bats, to rip the flag and its bearers apart.

Blood flowed like a river,

Tears stream from patriotic faces,

Beholding fellow brothers maimed by the lords of peace

Certain no camera saw their evil acts

And no light were there to expose their darkness

These wild men of war,

Return to their masters at the Villa

With trophies of gun soaked with the blood of the young.


With phoney innocence on their faces,

They mounted the podium to address the world,

They said guns don't kill people

They only shot to disperse the gathering cloud.

Everyone nodded and the world goes on.

1 comment:


 "Ambivalence" I bear a flicker of light Sometimes smouldering  You can't see it It is hidden somewhere in my soul Blown here ...