Friday, 20 November 2020



How do I begin to describe this sweet moment,

The dance, the laughter and the tight hugs,

The words said in between kisses,

Or the peace in the silence of holding your hands while we strolled.

How you gave your ears to all that I had to say,

Like they hold some secrets you haven't heard me say before,

At the end you smile like an overfed child,

And ask me if I have some more.

How I smile and fall into your hands,

Knowing that there is safety in there,

How you let your soft palms,

Caress heaven into the hell burning in my skin.

You watch me walk back and front,

Missing each step falling for your eyes on me,

You chuckled at my nonsense saying it made so much sense,

That I would walk better if I follow your eyes.

Your eyes burn with the fire of the sun when you look at me,

I melt in the fire of your heat,

I melt into happiness and soft melodious sounds,

Laying there wrapped in your warmth of passion.

The morning should never come to us with prying eyes,

Let the darkness cocoon us forever,

Because no matter how dark it would be,

It would never stop me from basking in your light.



 "Ambivalence" I bear a flicker of light Sometimes smouldering  You can't see it It is hidden somewhere in my soul Blown here ...