Wednesday 9 December 2020

"Road to Hell"

 "Road to Hell"

Now everything we began has ended,

The stereo no longer plays our favorite tune,

The sweet memories we created were erased,

Immediately we turned our backs on them.

The darkness of tonight has barricaded light,

Placing a chasm between sorrow and joy,

So this gloomy wind blows on the land,

Tossing and turning out our hidden secrets open.

I strolled out of my hut to look through the darkness encircling me,

To see if I can find any footprints retracing the pathway to my abode,

But my eyes couldn't see beyond the darkness within me,

So I staggered back to the defeat I left behind.

You left at the heat of midday,

With the fragments of my promises to you,

I broke them in my haste to fulfill another I made before you came,

So you actually rejoiced over another's war trophy as yours.

Don't think my heart as stone,

They are still tender as the feet of a dead baby,

I still long for you like a besetting sin,

Holding on to my only road to hell. 

In life, do death part people,

So they go about living the death,

Relieving youthful memories interned as an old one,

Until they embrace a new life with their mourning attire. 

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