Thursday, 18 November 2021

"The Hungry Soul"

"The Hungry Soul"

When you with scarred feet 

Tiptoes into endlessness

A ray of light spreads its thin self 

To guide the paths of your feeble feet 

Through the rough roads of timelessness.

The curious hunger in your soul 

Yawns endlessly begging for the meat of angels

Or the droplets from a salty sea.

Here time is static but still runs its course 

Circling round and round nothingness

Meaningfulness stretches into vagueness

And all creation get lost in its search of the Creator.

Tuesday, 9 November 2021

"Red Love (Flaming)"

 "Red Love(Flaming)"

Yours words strike hard at everything I hold sacred

They start to flutter, and fall to the ground.

At first, you promised to hold me where I stand

Your tongue flaming while your promises soared round my head

I started to hope again, to bask in the warmth of the heat that cocooned my shivering heart.

Do people change like shifting shadows or do words dissipate quickly like smoke?

I was wondering the one we were

Until our two fingers slip out of our loose grip.

Letting go of what we once held to heart

Was a bitter pill to swallow

But we did it so hard

That a day was enough to get over the gulping pain and the midnight tears. 

"Droplets of Silence"

"Droplets of Silence"

 This piece of everything beautiful that you left behind was a terrific bang of silence

Reaching towards my soul

Then I turned it into a picture frame

And hanged it on my wall

Woke up every morning to its ugly sight

And weep my woes on the wall beside it.

Depression can be adorned to look like a smile

A broad long charming grin

Perching on faces of sorrow.

Yet you will never know

Because they have sworn to never break silence.

But to help your prying minds

They live behind faint whispers

Like a dying soul in the hands of a brute.


 "Ambivalence" I bear a flicker of light Sometimes smouldering  You can't see it It is hidden somewhere in my soul Blown here ...