Wednesday, 6 April 2022

"The Endless Search"


"The Endless Search" 

In search for the cure for a fool,

He almost became one

Until he was forced back to his wretched holes

By the strong fledgling arms of new reasonings 

Standing tall against all the body of piled up truth he has ever known.

Truth stored up for long 

Soon loses its efficacy

And become sour in the mouth of youngsters

Who the new times have overfed with sweet sense at their fingertips. 

How we ever came to this point

Has eluded both sense and reason

Nonetheless, we are on a march

With ourselves, dead or alive, as the perpetual slaves

of our search to know which lies beyond knowledge... 

"To Beg is Crime"


"To Beg is Crime"

I won't beg you for your thoughts anymore,

Though mine are daily shared on the streets 

by men deprived of home-grown pleasures,

Yet, I won't act beggarly before you.

No, I won't beg you, even though I am one.

We have been warned by you not to be choosers in life

Even when the options are myriad. 

So we won't admit the conditions of our minds. 

No, we will hide behind the cloak of feigned riches,

And pocket our huge balls of ignorance from your scolding eyes,

To be a beggar is an off-sense, to act rich is good sense.

We will be rich before you,

But romance in the dark our plenty I-don't- knows 

Which we are hated for ever desiring to know.


 "Ambivalence" I bear a flicker of light Sometimes smouldering  You can't see it It is hidden somewhere in my soul Blown here ...