Wednesday 4 May 2022

"The Long Arm of Love"

"The Long Arm of Love"

 In a world wrapped in chaotic darkness

Unexplainable to the human mind

I will be your sea of tranquil affection

Where you can plunge in your mountain of pain 

And watch them melt like ice in a bowl of heat.

Keeping your eyes on your scars 

Are blindfolds to what the future holds

Which restrains your feet from climbing the  peak of your dreams

So unbolt your stars 

And draw a canvas of sparkling lights in the sky. 

Yesterday has had its way

Let's today have it say

While we steer through the darkness

With hope as our light.

Sunday 1 May 2022

"Friday Mourning Prayer"

 "Friday Mourning Prayer"

At the wake of dawn,

As drowsy bodies were yet to stir their tired whole.

They come upon us suddenly,

Like hungry swarm of locusts,

With machetes, arrows, and guns,

Thirsty for blood at no cause,

Blinded by the blurry slides of religion and tribalism.

They shot sporadically at scampering children,

And ripped bare the hearts and tummies of pregnant women.

Brave men who dared to resist their savagery

With bare arms and sticks were butchered like festive holy rams.

Bodies were piled up like heaps of sacrifice to a brute god.

This massacre went on till the sun was forced out of hiding

By the foul smell of burnt flesh and blood

As the perpetrators disappear like the morning mist into their religious huts 

To observe their daily prayers.

"Our Votes will Count"


"Our Votes will Count"

The sugarcoated party slogans and their fattened promises,

The lies mingled with a drop of truth and the multiple posters that smear the faces of our streets,

The feigned smiles with a generic pose of hope, 

The crowd pulling campaigns and the brandishing of the magical party wands,

The quickly arranged sombre songs of hope with shameful dance steps to mesmerize the faithfuls,

Some standing transfixed in the scorching sun, other swaying their waists and stamping their feet on the dusty ground for paltry wraps of notes

While the big men hide in raised platforms smiling broadly.

It is the most coveted season,

In the life cycle of a state

When like a snake it should shed its old skin for a new look.

But here the new is old,

Same old faces,

Same old lies,

Same old weary promises,

Everything is old.

The hope locked in the PVC

Is simply the more you look, 

the less your wishes grow

Elections are done in the morning

And selections at night

They cling voraciously to power

Like blood-thirty parasites

But after every duel that leaves us with tired faces

The radio presenter reminds us that one day our votes will count. 

Wednesday 6 April 2022

"The Endless Search"


"The Endless Search" 

In search for the cure for a fool,

He almost became one

Until he was forced back to his wretched holes

By the strong fledgling arms of new reasonings 

Standing tall against all the body of piled up truth he has ever known.

Truth stored up for long 

Soon loses its efficacy

And become sour in the mouth of youngsters

Who the new times have overfed with sweet sense at their fingertips. 

How we ever came to this point

Has eluded both sense and reason

Nonetheless, we are on a march

With ourselves, dead or alive, as the perpetual slaves

of our search to know which lies beyond knowledge... 

"To Beg is Crime"


"To Beg is Crime"

I won't beg you for your thoughts anymore,

Though mine are daily shared on the streets 

by men deprived of home-grown pleasures,

Yet, I won't act beggarly before you.

No, I won't beg you, even though I am one.

We have been warned by you not to be choosers in life

Even when the options are myriad. 

So we won't admit the conditions of our minds. 

No, we will hide behind the cloak of feigned riches,

And pocket our huge balls of ignorance from your scolding eyes,

To be a beggar is an off-sense, to act rich is good sense.

We will be rich before you,

But romance in the dark our plenty I-don't- knows 

Which we are hated for ever desiring to know.

Thursday 18 November 2021

"The Hungry Soul"

"The Hungry Soul"

When you with scarred feet 

Tiptoes into endlessness

A ray of light spreads its thin self 

To guide the paths of your feeble feet 

Through the rough roads of timelessness.

The curious hunger in your soul 

Yawns endlessly begging for the meat of angels

Or the droplets from a salty sea.

Here time is static but still runs its course 

Circling round and round nothingness

Meaningfulness stretches into vagueness

And all creation get lost in its search of the Creator.

Tuesday 9 November 2021

"Red Love (Flaming)"

 "Red Love(Flaming)"

Yours words strike hard at everything I hold sacred

They start to flutter, and fall to the ground.

At first, you promised to hold me where I stand

Your tongue flaming while your promises soared round my head

I started to hope again, to bask in the warmth of the heat that cocooned my shivering heart.

Do people change like shifting shadows or do words dissipate quickly like smoke?

I was wondering the one we were

Until our two fingers slip out of our loose grip.

Letting go of what we once held to heart

Was a bitter pill to swallow

But we did it so hard

That a day was enough to get over the gulping pain and the midnight tears. 


 "Ibe" Ibem, my mates have moved on... Their journey tracing the barely travelled paths.  I tried to whet my feet on the stones of...